Health management programs with practical actions aiming at reducing stress, eating healthy, encouraging physical activities and emotional balance.

Qualidade de Vida


Populations Health Management

Diagnosis of employees’ health, involving evaluations and analysis of data on blood pressure, glucose, obesity, stress and other factors.

Laboral Gymnastics

Stretching exercise, relaxation and integration exercises performed at the workplace. Goal: To increase the quality of life in the workplace.

Posture Blitz

Approach the employee at his workstation to correct the posture and adjust the chair and equipment properly. Goal: to improve the posture in the workplace.

Quick Massage (Shiatsu)

Massage performed to relieve muscle tensions, activate circulation and decrease stress. Goal: Relieve muscle tension

Bamboo Therapy

Massage technique performed with bamboo. Excellent for providing body relaxation. Goal: to reduce muscle tension.


Foot massage with oil. Goal: To relieve the fatigue and overload that the feet suffer with the day to day.

Body Measurement

Evaluation of the localized fat rate, weight, height, and blood pressure and BMI calculation. Goal: To evaluate the Body Mass Index (BMI).

Postural Evaluation

Assessment of possible deviations of the vertebral column. Goal: To evaluate the employees’ posture

Academy at the Company

Implantation of academy in the company, with the guarantee of safe academy. Goal: To optimize the time, facilitating care with the health.

Decompression Room

Develop a warm environment followed by a schedule of manual therapies. Goal: To provide in the workplace a place of rest and relaxation.

Healthy Eating

Visit of the nutritionist with individual treatment. Goal: To recommend a healthier diet, according to the reality of each employee.

Oral Health

Evaluation of employees’ oral health, to identify bacterial plaque. Goal: To conduct self-examination regarding oral cancer prevention and other problems.

Pulmonary Evaluation

Well-oxygenated blood will nourish the cells of the whole organism. Goal: To evaluate expiratory capacity, thoracic cirtometry and launch anti-smoking campaigns.

Pilates Solo

Body awareness, posture adjustment, improved breathing, toning muscles, more balance and coordination. Goal: To improve posture inside and outside the workplace.

Stress Mapping

Map the level of stress in the corporate environment, performed with highly effective tools. Goal: To identify the employees’ mental health.

Pregnancy Program

Individual or group sessions with multidisciplinary specialists. Goal: To inform about posture and health care.


Individual service sessions with specialist in the area. Goal: To diagnose and map the psychosocial needs of the company and its employees.

Encourage the Practice of Physical Activities

Evaluation, awareness with performance of internal and external actions to encourage the practice of physical activity (games, running and walking groups, events and dynamics).